Work with us

Great teams of teachers, committed
to excellence
Docklands Primary School is at the centre of a vibrant, warm and engaged learning community. It’s an exciting place to work. Our teachers are united in their commitment to practice excellence and driven by the pursuit of improvement in all we do. We set high expectations for behavioural and academic outcomes for all students; equally, we set high standards of professional excellence for ourselves.
Opportunities for teachers to improve their practice
We provide well-sequenced and rigorous professional learning opportunities for our teachers.
Every week, we run a one-hour staff Professional Learning Workshop; here, we draw on insights from research to define and describe high quality pedagogical practices. We value teachers’ expertise and experience and provide opportunities for teachers to build on what they know in meaningful ways.
Our facilities are world class in the heart of
our city
We work in modern classrooms (many with city views), and enjoy the purpose-built teaching facilities. Curriculum resources are carefully selected, and our learning spaces are well-resourced. Every classroom is fitted with integrated technology, including assistive technologies for students with particular needs. Our students benefit from access to a beautiful school library, a full size indoor gymnasium, landscaped play areas, and a stunning Arts Centre.

How to Apply
Throughout the year, Docklands Primary School seeks applications from teachers and education support staff who are open to learning and committed to professional excellence.
Jobs will be advertised on the ROL website. Please see link to ROL below.

Join us for a tour
We run educator tours on the first Tuesday of every month at
9:00 am. To register for a tour, please contact Reception on
03 9067 0100 or email
If you’d like more info, we’d love for you to contact us.